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Download CS Warzone Update Full HD 2012

Download CS Warzone Update Full Hd 2012

- Release date March 17, 2012
- 100% Clean Rip from Steam GCFs (Game Cache files)
- Only ~296MB setup size
- Latest engine update ( build 4554)
- Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Client
- Client can join P47 as well as P48 servers
- Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Dedicated Server is also included
- Fully working server browser with Internet, favorite and LAN tabs
- Compatible with Latest sXe Injected anticheat
- Include latest CZ bots modified for CS but bots are OFF by default see FAQs
- Also works on Vista/Windows 7 32bit/64bit
- Playable on Internet and LAN
- Working Dedicated and Listen server (Steam and Non-Steam)
- Fixed all known HLDS exploits
- HLTV is also included and works
- Half-Life Single and Multiplayer included
- Support for Unicode input
- In game ads are removed

Version 1.1
* Fixed sXe Injected errors
* Added new master servers list
* Include de_tuscan map
* Fine-tune cfgs

Version 1.2
* Bots are now OFF by default
* Used modified revEmu overlay for server browser
* Server browser is now efficient like Protocol 47 clients
* Now you can add all CS 1.6 servers to favorite e.g. P47 and P48 servers
* Fixed server browsers crashes on favorites
* Updated server browser with Setti's master server new domain
* Now Includes complete Half-Life single and Multiplayer
* HLDS can now run in either GUI or CLI mode
* Fixed all know HLDS exploits i.e. Jo's (win32), Jo's v2, auto-buy bug, CS Death
* Fixed sXe Injected error

Valve - Counter-Strike
revCrew - REVOLUTiON Emulator
steamCooker - CF Toolbox
SASiO - GCFExplore
Crock - dproto and Complete unicode pack

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