Descarca Cs 1.6 de pe repede cu doar 1 click !

Counter-Strike 1.6 Octombrie 2013

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Despre CS 1.6 putem spune multe dar cel mai important ramane faptul ca inca este jucat de foarte multi jucatori mai ales in tara noastra. Cu toate ca au aparut Condition Zero, Cs Source sau recentul Counter Strike Global Offensive, cs 1.6 ramane un joc frumos care ne-a facut copilaria mai frumoasa din unele puncte de vedere.

- Release date October 10, 2013
- Only 256MB setup size
- 100% clean rip from Steam GCFs (Game cache files)
- Includes latest CS 1.6 bots
- Half-Life Single/Multiplayer is also included
- Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Client
- Client can join P47 as well as P48 servers
- Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Dedicated Server is also included
- Working Dedicated and Listen server (Steam and non-Steam)
- Working server browser with Internet, Favorite and LAN tabs
- Full protection against all types of slow hacking servers
- Compatible with latest sXe Injected anticheat
- Include latest Metamod-P v1.21p37
- Include latest AMX Mod X v1.8.2 (disabled by default)
- HLTV is also included and works
- Engine version ( build 4554)
- Playable on Internet and LAN
- Can be used as Portable
- In game ads are removed

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UPDATE 10 Oct. 2013
* Full protection against all types of slow hacking servers
* Removed binding commands from auto and user config files
* Update optimal client rates
* Update dproto to latest version v0.9.330
* Update Metamod-P to latest version v1.21p37
* Added latest AMX Mod X v1.8.2 (disabled by default)
* Added de_mirage map

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